Writing Your Values-Aligned About Page: a Step-by-Step Guide for Conscious Business Owners, Artists, Coaches, Therapists, and Visionaries (PART ONE)

Hello and WELCOME kindred spirits of the business world, to the heart of your online presence—the about page. It's not just a repository of facts or a chronicle of achievements; it's a narrative, a journey, a handshake extended across the digital realm.

In this series of blog posts, you and I will embark on a conscious copywriting journey to decode the art of crafting an about page that not only resonates with your values but also beckons new readers into your unique universe. The goal is twofold: to ignite excitement in those who stumble upon your digital doorstep and to guide them seamlessly to where they belong.

Let's unravel the mystery of the about page together, exploring the nuances of its components and understanding the rhythm that transforms casual visitors into dedicated followers.

Whether you're a solo entrepreneur, a passionate creator, or a purpose-driven business, these insights are tailored to help you leave a lasting imprint on the hearts and minds of your audience.

Step #1: Craft a Value Proposition From the Heart

At the heart of every compelling about page lies a beacon that illuminates your brand's essence—the Value Proposition. This succinct statement encapsulates what is both unique and desirable about you, acting as the magnetic force that draws readers deeper into your narrative. Crafting this headline-worthy gem is an art that requires finesse, clarity, and a dash of introspection.

Questions to Guide Your Work:

🪐 What Sets You Apart? Delve into the core of your brand. What makes you stand out in a crowded digital landscape? Is it your approach, your story, or a unique offering that no one else provides?

🪐 Who Are You For? Identify your target audience. What are their pain points, aspirations, and desires? Tailor your value proposition to resonate specifically with them.

🪐 Why Should They Choose You? In a world of options, why should someone choose your brand? Pinpoint the value you offer that others don't, whether it's exceptional quality, a transformative experience, or unrivaled expertise.

Actionable Tips for Brainstorming:

⚡ Diversity in Ideas: Don't settle for the first thought that crosses your mind. Brainstorm at least 10 different value propositions. Let your creativity flow without the pressure of perfection.

⚡ Clarity Over Cleverness: While clever slogans have their place, clarity is paramount for your value proposition. Aim for directness and simplicity, ensuring that your audience immediately grasps what you bring to the table.

⚡ Test Your Ideas: Share your potential value propositions with trusted colleagues, friends, or even existing clients. Gather feedback on what resonates most with them. This outside perspective can offer valuable insights.

Circle Back: You don’t need to finalize your value proposition from the jump. It’s a good top-down way to start writing your about page, but definitely schedule time to circle back to reconsider your top options once you’ve written the rest of the about page copy.

Remember, your value proposition is the gateway to your business’s purpose for being on this planet. So, dive into this introspective journey, exploring the facets that make you exceptional, and let your value proposition radiate with authenticity.

Step #2: Paint the Day Dream for Your People

Now that you’ve clearly declared what you do and how you do it with your value proposition, it’s time to inspire your audience with the possibilities your products or services make possible. This is what I call Painting the Day Dream.

In the realm of values-aligned businesses, we strive to inspire rather than evoke fear, focusing on the positive narrative that kindles the desire to engage with your products or services. This Day Dream serves as a beacon, painting a vivid picture of how your readers' lives can be profoundly different once they step into your world.

Questions to Guide Your Work:

☁️ What Positive Changes Can You Facilitate? Envision the positive transformations your offerings can bring. What improvements, joys, or successes can your audience experience through their engagement with your brand?

☁️ Where Are Your Readers Now? Understand your audience's current state. What challenges are they facing, and what are their unmet needs? This awareness will form the backdrop against which your Day Dream unfolds.

☁️ Crafting the "Imagine If..." Scenario: Complete the phrase "imagine if..." with the most uplifting scenarios. How could your readers' lives be elevated, enriched, or simplified by what you have to offer?

Actionable Tips for Brainstorming:

Positive Framing: Emphasize the positive aspects of your offerings. Instead of focusing on pain points, highlight the joy, fulfillment, or ease your audience can experience.

Visual Storytelling: Picture the transformation visually. Create a mental storyboard of the before-and-after scenarios to guide your narrative. This helps in crafting a more tangible and immersive Day Dream.

Speak to Desires: Identify the deep-seated desires of your audience. What do they yearn for? Tailor your Day Dream to resonate with these desires, creating a magnetic pull toward your offerings.

As you delve into crafting the Day Dream for your About page, remember that it's more than a narrative—it's an invitation to a better, brighter reality. Let the language be vivid, the aspirations lofty, and the imagery rich. By painting this compelling picture, you're not just selling a product or service; you're offering a transformative experience that resonates with the deepest desires of your audience.

There you have it—part ONE to writing a values-aligned about page!

When crafting your about page, your value props and day dreams work to articulate your brand's essence with sincerity and resonance. The value proposition succinctly encapsulates what makes a business uniquely desirable, while day dreams breathe life into the brand narrative by envisioning the positive transformations awaiting the audience.

Together, value propositions and day dreams not only convey the authentic identity of a values-aligned business, but also invite readers to embark on a journey of shared values, purpose, and positive impact.

Make sure to check back tomorrow for part TWO, where we’ll dive into your differentiators and your personal story!

Looking for help with copywriting, website building, or branding?

Feel free to contact me here and we can chat more!


Writing Your Values-Aligned About Page: a Step-by-Step Guide (PART TWO)


Give Your Website a Refresh: A Step-by-Step Guide to Boost Your Online Presence